Parenting Alert: 4 Reasons to Reconsider Your Child's Gummy Vitamins

Parenting Alert: 4 Reasons to Reconsider Your Child's Gummy Vitamins

Gummy vitamins have burst onto the supplement scene in recent years, especially for kids. With their vibrant colors and candy-like appearance, it's no surprise that children not only love them, but beg for them.
However, we’re here to spill the beans on the top 4 concerns with the gummy vitamin craze and why your kids should steer clear.

Sugar Overload

Let's start with the elephant in the room – sugar. Have you ever looked at the ingredients on your kids' gummy vitamin?  In the “other ingredients” section, often listed first and/or second are one of these: cane sugar, glucose, corn syrup, tapioca syrup or fructose. Order matters, by law, ingredients that have the highest volume in the product must be listed first! In other words if one of these sugars is listed first on your kids gummy…they’re getting a whole lotta suga’ and not much of the good stuff. Hopefully, it’s obvious, but if you’re trying to give your kids something to supplement their lack-luster diets, you should probably stick to something without all the sugar.

Not So Nutrient-Packed

Gummy vitamins have their limits – most of the ingredients go to making the product taste good or stay in the shape of a bear or preserve the product, leaving little room for the actual nutrients. This means they often come up short compared to traditional vitamin supplements. Some gummy vitamins also play favorites, offering only a handful of vitamins and minerals while leaving other crucial ones behind, simply because the gummy won’t hold any more.

Nutrient Absorption No-No

Here's the scoop on nutrient absorption – gummy vitamins might not be your best bet. These chewy wonders often lack the necessary co-factors and minerals required for top-notch nutrient absorption. For example, vitamins A, D, E, and K are best buddies with dietary fats, but gummy vitamins might not provide enough of these fats for optimal absorption. So, your child may be getting rid of the gummy just as fast as they inhaled it and missing out on the full benefits of those vitamins.

Allergen Alerts and Additive Anxieties

Gummy vitamins can sometimes be a minefield of allergens and unnecessary additives and preservatives. Always take a peek at the ingredient list, especially if your child has sensitivities. Common culprits like soy, gluten, or artificial colors and flavors might be hiding in there. These additives can trigger allergies or sensitivities, causing discomfort and potential health issues.   


While gummy vitamins might seem like a tasty way to get your child the nutrients they need, they come with a handful of concerns you shouldn't ignore. The sugar overload, lackluster nutrient levels, nutrient absorption issues, and potential allergens and additives make gummy vitamins a less-than-ideal choice for your child's health.

While you should always provide your children a balanced diet as the best approach to nutrient intake, as parents ourselves, we know they don’t always cooperate. Supplementation is a good choice if you have the right product. Whole food based supplements are amazing because many of the nutrients are naturally occurring but can sometimes be less appealing in the taste department. That’s where ViteBites really excels. You get a whole fruit based product with all the nutrients your soccer player needs to keep on kickin’, and it tastes fantastic! If you're worried about your child's nutrition or vitamin intake, chat with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian. They can dish out personalized advice and recommend supplements if necessary.